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How do I choose a hotel in New York

New York is a very big metropolis and there are more than 500 hotels. Which hotel is best to choose? It all depends on your budget and interests. Let's look at different options, starting with the very best.

Important: Manhattan is divided horizontally by more than 200 streets that have a serial number instead of a name, from the first street in the south to 200+ in the north. Therefore, in order to explain exactly where a particular location is, it is better to describe using the street number.
What you may require in your holidays in New York is listed in the page "What is needed in a hotel?".

Middle Manhattan, map, New York City

1. Hotels in the Middle Manhattan

The area is located between 20th street and 59th street.
It is considered the best of the tourist areas, in this area lies most of the hotels of New York. In the picture this central area has been highlighted in green.
Here are hotels of various ratings from 1 to 5 stars, you can sort through hotels in order to choose the one that is appropriate for you and if you are satisfied with the price - we recommend booking the hotel in advance.

Manhattan, map, New York City

2. Hotels in the rest of Manhattan

The area is located between 1st and 20th street & up from 60th street.
This area is also quite popular among tourists. Our only advice - do not choose a hotel in Upper Manhattan, namely above 110th street, the northern boundary of Central Park. There are located near the more dangerous areas of New York which is not good for tourist safety.

Brooklyn, map, New York City

3. Hotels in Brooklyn

Located on the opposite bank of the East River.
Perhaps this is the last area in which you should choose a hotel from the tourist point of view. Hotels in Brooklyn are cheaper and generally more spacious. This is a residential area, so there are less interesting sights, which will mean that you’ll often have to ride the Subway to get to the other side of Manhattan.
Book a hotel in other areas – it is impractical and sometimes even unsafe to be in Brooklyn.

Map of the districts New York City

4. Hotels in other parts of New York

If your budget is not too high for your long vacations, then you can explore the rest of the hotels in New York City.
Pay attention to the reviews of other travellers and to the location of the hotel in relation to their distance from the nearest Subway station. To view the location of the area - click on the map to the left.
Detailed description: hotels in Queens.
Detailed description: hotels in the Bronx.
Detailed description: hotels on Staten Island.

Book hotels at the best prices:

Our proposed sites offer tourists the best deals on hotels in New York City. You will not find cheaper deals elsewhere.

A few statistics:
Cheapest months: January and February because of the cold; July and August because of the heat.
The most expensive months (descending): December, September and then June.

Best website to use for bookings in America: Expedia (flight and hotel).

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Hotel in New York City

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Price starting at 39 €

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Rated 5 stars out of 5

2418 Reviews

Price starting at 110 €

Pod 51

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Rated 4.5 stars out of 5

6567 Reviews

Price starting at 179 €

Text printed from the website www.inthenewyork.com