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Cities/Towns neighbouring New York

Companies such as City Sightseeing New York.com, offer plenty of day trips to the nearby cities of America, mainly by bus. Those are pretty, popular, and interesting trips.
On this page we have selected some of the most popular excursions: by clicking "Details" you will be able to see a full description of the route, departure time, frequently asked questions and more. You will have the opportunity to book a tour online for a reasonable price.

Popular day trips from New York City:

  • Washington (by bus) from New York City

    Washington (by bus)

    Price: 159$.
    Duration: 12 hours.
    Description: one of the most popular day trips to the capital of America. The bus departs from New York early in the morning, about 7 AM, so that when you return you will have the opportunity to spend the evening in New York.

  • Philadelphia

    Philadelphia and Amish Village

    Price: 159$.
    Duration: 12 hours.
    Description: bus departs from New York City at 7 AM. During the tour you will visit one of the oldest cities in the United States - Philadelphia, as well as a very interesting Amish village. The Amish are not willing to accept modern technologies and amenities, so they live without electricity, phones and other modern technological inventions.

  • Boston

    Boston (by bus)

    Price: 159$.
    Duration: 12 hours.
    Description: bus departs from New York City at 7 AM. During the tour you will visit the capital of Massachusetts - Boston. The tour begins with a stroll by the famous “Freedom Trail” towards Boston port. You’ll be back in New York by around 8 PM.

  • Wine Tour on Long Island

    Wine Tour on Long Island

    Price: 159$.
    Duration: 12 hours.
    Description: if you are going to spend more than a week in New York, and you like wine, take note of this tour! You can escape from the chaotic city and relax in nature, in the company of American winemakers who will tell you about their wines. You will also taste the most delicious growths.

  • Hamptons near New York City

    Hamptons, Sag Harbor and half-day shopping

    Price: 159$.
    Duration: 12 hours.
    Description: Hamptons - a group of resort villages located in Long Island. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place. After lunch, visit the Outlet, where you can go shopping. You’ll be returning to New York at around 7 PM.

  • Premium Outlets Woodbury

    Premium Outlets Woodbury

    Price: 35$.
    Duration: one hour by bus, then you can stay as long as you like in the area.
    Description: the ticket only includes the bus to Woodbury and the way back. Woodbury - a small town in Minnesota is known for its large number of outlets, which are constantly full tourists that came for shopping as the prices are much lower than in the centre of New York.

Hotel in New York City

Likely to sell out

Rated 5 stars out of 5

10524 Reviews

Price starting at 39 €

The Standard


Rated 5 stars out of 5

2418 Reviews

Price starting at 110 €

Pod 51

Likely to sell out

Rated 4.5 stars out of 5

6567 Reviews

Price starting at 179 €

Text printed from the website www.inthenewyork.com