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Popular excursions in New York

Tip: try to book tours in advance as online prices are slightly lower, and with tickets purchased in advance you will not have to queue. The main websites for booking tours (open in new tab):

City Sights NY
City Sightseeing New York.com

There are also special tickets, which include the main attractions, the most popular ones are: CityPASS and New York Pass, the latter option includes a trip on the tourist bus in the city.

Popular excursions in New York:

  • Hop-On-Hop-Off Buses in New York

    Hop-On-Hop-Off Buses

    Price: from 25$.
    Description: this is the most popular tour (which is in 11 languages!). Thanks to the bus - you do not have to constantly go underground and travel by subway. You can ride all day from one attraction to another. Buses run with very small intervals. Route map. Detailed description available on this website.
    When buying an enhanced pass, you can add this tour «Hop-on, Hop-off» at a special price.

  • On the boat in New York

    On the boat

    Price: from 20$.
    Description: there is a large choice of excursions by boat off the coast of New York. You will see the city from the other side: ride under the Brooklyn Bridge, admire the city from the side and of course visit the islands nearby, one of which is the Statue of Liberty.

  • By helicopter in New York

    By helicopter

    Price: from 150$.
    Description: rather unusual and exciting helicopter tour. This grants you the opportunity to see the city from quite an unusual angle - the sky. During the tour you will fly near the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and the tallest skyscrapers in New York. The duration of such trips can be from 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Pedestrian Tours in New York

    Pedestrian Tours

    Price: from 20$.
    Description: a large number of pedestrian tours can help you save time and see the most interesting places. This is especially true for Central Park. A large number of excursions include the tasting of local dishes during the walk, which is very beneficial to those who want to try typical American cuisine, but are not sure where to begin.

  • Popular places in New York

    Popular places

    Price: from 10$.
    Description: a large number of excursions at very competitive prices. We suggest a very detailed study of this section and that you choose the places that you will certainly want to visit. Remember, buying at the box office means waiting in long queues whereas on the internet you can make a booking in just a couple of minutes.

  • VIP tours in New York

    VIP tours

    Price: from $100.
    Description: this section is for those who value their time and do not wish to spend all their money on the luxury of visiting all the places of interest in New York. Includes private tours for the day with professional guides. Access to attractions held by tickets "Without the queue”.

Hotel in New York City

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Pod 51

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Text printed from the website www.inthenewyork.com